scientists may have found earth’s northernmost island

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There are few things worse than realising that your mouth is all dry and your throat is scratchy. It’s been a while since you had some hydration, and water is the only thing on your mind.
As you reach for that glass of water, ask yourself — where does this water come from? The water we drink usually originates underground. Some water is also collected through rainwater harvesting or from surface water, which comes from rivers. This is then treated to be made potable or drinkable. Of all the water on the Earth, only about 0.3% is consumable by humans, while the rest can be found in oceans, ice caps, the ground, and the atmosphere.
As you reach for that glass of water, ask yourself — where does this water come from? The water we drink usually originates underground. Some water is also collected through rainwater harvesting or from surface water, which comes from rivers. This is then treated to be made potable or drinkable. Of all the water on the Earth, only about 0.3% is consumable by humans, while the rest can be found in oceans, ice caps, the ground, and the atmosphere.
As you reach for that glass of water, ask yourself — where does this water come from? The water we drink usually originates underground. Some water is also collected through rainwater harvesting or from surface water, which comes from rivers. This is then treated to be made potable or drinkable. Of all the water on the Earth, only about 0.3% is consumable by humans, while the rest can be found in oceans, ice caps, the ground, and the atmosphere.
As you reach for that glass of water, ask yourself — where does this water come from? The water we drink usually originates underground. Some water is also collected through rainwater harvesting or from surface water, which comes from rivers. This is then treated to be made potable or drinkable. Of all the water on the Earth, only about 0.3% is consumable by humans, while the rest can be found in oceans, ice caps, the ground, and the atmosphere.

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