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DSGS hoists Indian flag on 76th Independence Day

With heads held high and hearts strong with patriotism, DSGS hoisted the national tricolour at our school premises on the 76th Independence Day. The flag hoisting ceremony was conducted by K. Navaneetha Rao (Chairman), K. Naveen Kumar (Managing Director) and Dr. Pavan K. Samba (Chief of Academics).

Addressing the nationalistic aspirations of budding DSGSians, our students, teachers and staff gained the greatest words of motivation from our Chairman. The event was followed by words of wisdom shared by Dr. Pavan K. Samba (Chief of Academics) and Ms. Suma Menon (Principal).

Soon after, teachers and staff organized prize distribution for students who participated in the Independence Day special Fancy Dress Competition during the week culminating into 15 August, 2022.

Students joined the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence with songs of patriotism and speeches praising the valour of our freedom fighters.

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