The Power of Reading in Holistic Development of Children
When Smt. Droupadi Murmu got elected as the 15th President of India, people were highly appreciative about the schools she helped build in her own village in rural Odisha. It was an indication of how well education is valued in our societies. The ability to read and have a command over languages is every person’s dream. In the 1920s, while hardly 12% of the people were literate in India, the crown princes and princesses of the presidencies were home tutored by British teachers who taught them the verses of Shelley and the works of Jane Austen. In those times, reading was a privilege of the wealthier classes. In his autobiography, Dr. B.R Ambedkar penned the struggles he had to go through in his school to get himself the same education as others. Well-read individuals are societies’ respected figures and it does not pertain to India alone. It is these stories of struggle that we forget when we ignore the importance of reading in a technological-oriented society.

Why Read?

DSGS understands the importance of reading for students. With more than 2,000 books, the school library at DSGS offers a wide range of opportunities for children to fall in love with reading and experience the world through these books. Children are the future and it is important to catch them young. Premiering a movie in class after finishing a chapter of the same book could spark an interest and incentivize children to read. Research has proven that children are bound to show interest in reading if they are surrounded by readers in their environment; and thus it becomes necessary to lead the way and grab a book. Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!