What are the futuristic skills children should have to hack 21st Century?
In the 21st century, we have new jobs which did not exist 25 years ago, like data scientist, app developer, GST practitioner etc. We have no idea about either what future professions might look like or what they would demand. So what are the most valued skills of future our children should have in the rapidly changing globalised world? Learning to learn is the foremost skill we should teach them. Children should have social skills to cooperate and collaborate as well as creativity, leadership, and other soft skills, in addition to fundamental competencies like reading, writing, and math proficiency.
Self-awareness and self-control are two critical abilities that everyone should possess in order to thrive. Awareness of oneself is an awakening in and of itself; it is the motivation that will lead individuals to fulfilment. The key to having self-discipline is being able to resist impulses and accomplish what needs to be done instead of what is convenient. Emotive skills and relationship skills like communication, empathy, team work, active listening etc. are inevitable in all aspects of life. Inquisitive skills like wonder, imagination and curiosity are often more important than just knowing the answers to questions of knowledge. At DSGS, education is never reduced to just memorising facts, but critical thinking skills essential to solve a variety of problems should be cultivated in children.
DSGS equips children to be prepared for the future by imparting future-centric skills like computer and information literacy, design and computational thinking, media literacy, digital citizenship and financial literacy. Moreover, we impart soft skills like problem-solving, stress management and creativity on par with core skills as they are equally important to become a holistic individual.